Sorry if I'm out of line-been being nice to the neighbors!  If your neighbor
told you he had a .357 magnum aimed at Your ferret-would you have been as
"lasaise faire(?sp) as US!?  We grinned and said things like "We would've
done the same" RIGHT!  We have no fire arms!  The LAST Time I killed
ANYTHING it was a tomcat that broke into my apartment in 1976.  He killed 2
of my siamese kittens and left one with a swollen neck and a warped mind.  I
stalked him!  I took pictures when I finally dropped him with 1 shot from a
.22 borrowed from a neighbor.  Deep down inside, I always suspected he was
from one of my own litters, before I got divorced in 1995!  If it WAS
HADJE....the entire world sees my mea culpa
[Posted in FML issue 1932]