Just lsast night, I welcomed a new baby into my home.  I've named her Audrey
after my fave. actress.  She's about a year old and her original owner left
her in a cage for most of that time.  Extra special thanks to Rob McNish who
has had her for about a month now.  He did most of the work, I think.  He
also said she had ear mites and now her ears are cleaner than one of my
guys!  Although she still nips occasionally, I think the next big step will
be getting her used to socializing with other ferrets.  Chloe and Sabrina
were very interested in her last night.  Since her cage is lower than
theirs, they climbed to the top level and sat looking down at her for a good
twenty minutes.
I've already noticed that she is a climber.  I am afraid of what will happen
if she and Chloe join forces.  I'll have put everyting forbidden under lock
and key!
Uh oh, gotta go, Sabrina just ran by with a CHRISTMAS ornament in her mouth!
[Posted in FML issue 1932]