Anna Adam was heard to say:
>...I wanted to say there are, indeed, no-kill animal facilites.  Austin,
>Texas has one.  You have to pay $25 to drop off your pet, but they are *not*
>killed.  It's an SPCA shelter.  And I don't know of a single ferret shelter
>that has a kill policy, though they aren't funded federally (I'm not
>assuming the SPCA is, I don't know one way or the other).
Actually, I mean LARGE shelters....covering 100+acres of land.  Now don't
laugh guys and girls.  I am talking about one or two such facilities--one in
each section of the US.  Man disposes of anything that gets in his way.  I'm
sick of this.  When it is gonna stop?
How many people read/subscribe to this mailing list?  A thousand?  A
hundred?  More?  If a thousand people contributed just a dollar each
month....think of the money.  Furthermore, that'd only be $12 a year for
each person.  What is wrong with us?  I believe that we could start solving
the problem if we REALLY wanted to.
Perhaps the problem is that some may feel that since everyone else is going
to donate, than their dollar won't matter.  However, just think if everyone
felt this way.  Than, there'd me no one to contribute anything.  It will
take all of us.
Sure, that's a lot of talk for someone who hasn't done anything about it
himself.  However, my problem is, I don't know where to begin.  I'm sure I'm
not alone.
Well, let's here it.....
Roger Poore
Ferret World, The Coolest Place on Earth!
The Legend of Rainbow Bridge (dealing with pet loss)
[Moderator's note: I think this thread might be turning into a general
aninmal-rights discussion, which isn't appropriate for the FML.  Please
follow-up on the FML only if it's directly ferret-related.  Thanks.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1932]