Hi All!
I wanted to tell you about the experience that I had with my ferret,
Blizzard, and my doctor's appointment.
About two years ago, Alaska, my second ferret had had adrenal surgery.  I
was staying up and nursing him day and night trying to help him get better
after the surgery.  My vet.  had given him maybe a year to live and I wanted
to do everything I could to help him have that year.
To say the least, I was very, very tired.  I tripped in my apartment and
broke my big toe.  Because I was under the impression that nothing could be
done for the toes, I simply wrapped it and continued to care for Alaska.
That toe has hurt off and on for the past two years and about two months ago
became infected.  After a couple of tries, my doctor told me that he was
going to have to in and clean out the infection.  Well, because I have this
thing about my feet, I asked if I could bring one of my ferrets.  My doctor
agreed and Blizzard stayed with me during the minor surgery.
Blizzard was wonderful.  She was the best ambassador for the ferret world
that she could be.  She quietly stayed in my lap and kissed my hand during
the procedure.  My doctor was so impressed, that he had to take her and show
her to everybody in the office.  She got the grand tour!  She even impressed
the courier that had just stopped into the office.
I know that this was a long story, but I think that Blizzard, and any
ferret, is worth bragging about.  Ferrets are the absolute best!
Dook, Dook
Nancy and the ferretkids -- Blizzard, Juneau, Yukon, and Simba
[Posted in FML issue 1930]