Hi there;
Just an update, Bunny, my aprox. 8 y.o.rescue who was 95% bald last year is
continuing to grow neck fur.  It's maby 50% dense, starting to come back on
the sides also.  Her tail from the tip to maby 1" from her body is THICK
fur:) She never had surgery, at least not in the year I've had her, and
receives the current Timmy's recipe with the Drenamin supplement Dr.
McCluggage in Longmont Rx'd for her.  Dr. Dave McCluggage was one of the
vets that helped Timmy get healed.  He does Chinese herbs, acupuncture,
homeopathy & DVM medicine.  Neat person.
Tina, Timmy's sister, was bald on her whole back, like someone shaved her.
She did not have the swollen vulva like Bunny, but being on the same recipe
as Bunny since maby last Sept., she now has a new coat coming in on her
whole back:) Again, no surgery.
I have just connected with a company that has six generations of herbal
formulation experience & have sent out the first bottles of Timmy's Tonic
(yea!) that has taken almost three years to put together after the company
that made the original Chei Shei herbal went out of business.  Two years of
searching for the inventor turned up a disconnected phone & a rumor that he
"moved to Montana to be a hermit".  This prevented duplicating exactly the
original formula, but with the addition of a few herbs in a separate bottle
I think we're on to something pretty good.  I'm starting to give this in a
small bowl of water, & since it has the clover honey as a base, it
disappears in maby 15 minutes.
Oh yes, I almost forgot to say all my adrenal kids have the familiar two
dots on the right ear, Marshall Farms.  I heard they went from neutering at
4 weeks of age to doing it at two weeks now.  Anyone know if this is for
certain?  I visited the local PetCo a couple of months ago & the ferrets
seemed Sooo small, maby 4 weeks or less..  I hate to think of the future
health problems if it's true.
Just thought some good news would be nice to hear:)
Take care all
                 Gary & the gang of fur ->
        Thru joining, their grief has been transmuted to joy,
        loneliness to celebration...
        ..Data, in "The Tin Man" episode, STNG.
[Posted in FML issue 1929]