Hi Ya'll,
Taking a break from the last of my school work.  Finished up my creative
writing portfolio.  He actually gave us extra time, but I am getting it in
by the original date.  See me do the happy dance?
Looks like Georgia may have offered up her two "gentlemen" friends a bit
prematurely.  I have competition.  Ye gads, I haven't thought that way in
And yes, I have met Bob C.  He visited me and my ex-husband several times in
Houston.  Both are baseball nuts.  Now that I live in the same town as he
does, I never see him.  I am not sure, but I think that is a good thing.
Two bull headed crazy people who can't stop talking, in the same room, is a
scarey thought.  At least one of us has a sense of humor.
Oh Sukie, what a horrorscope for me!  I already know my ferts have me
wrapped around their tiny paws.  And I just cleaned ears the other night.
BTW folks, a determined Taurus here.  And yes, I am planning on sitting on
the quad tomorrow at school and getting some much needed sunshine.
I will be happily leaving for Houston next week.  Hopefully no more missed
planes.  And I finally found someone to babysit for me.  She has two
ferrets.  Told her just to make sure they aren't hanging off the light
fixtures while I am gone.
As for the great feeding debate, I want to make it clear that most of my
ferrets get only small amounts, rarely, of treats.  Miss Pookie is something
else entirely.  She will eat anything, including rubber.  She gets all kinds
of stuff everyday.  If I didn't share, I would have to eat everything
standing up.  She does hit and runs on my plates.  Before anyone gets upset,
she has a beautiful long, soft coat with lots of silver guard hairs.  She
looks much better than when I got her.  She never gets g.i.  problems.  She
is UberFerret.  And she is my sweetpea.  She follows me everywhere and
kisses me more than anybody.  She also cleans my socks.  On my feet.
And she also keeps pooping on the washing machine!!!!!!
Maggie Mae and the Pookster, hit and run artist extrodinaire
[Posted in FML issue 1927]