Sorry I have not posted in a long while , but I am now 10 weeks pregnant and
as sick as can be.  Just barley getting off bed rest and trying to catch up
on things.  This Info on Kodo really hit a nerve.  I am not sure who this
should go to but feel free whomever to send it to the right Michigan person.
To whom it may concern,
I feel it is first off a total abomination to put this poor ferret through
this.  Hearing of this event just makes me feel more that it is hard for
rescue/educational groups to get out there and talk to the public about
ferrets when lurking around every corner is some uneducated person who wants
our little ferrets but to death.  The man who bummed the ferrets tooth
should be at fault, the ferret did nothing wrong, should we detooth our
pets??  I think not.  How can we carry out educational issues for people
whom request our services when they so easily can turn on us.  A person whom
wears the title of animal control officer should not only be educated on any
animal they handle put be open to corrections when they falsley judge a
animal they no nothing about.
Ferrets here in Colorado are treated just as cats and dogs and held for a 10
day quarentine period in a bite case.  The ferret not only is quarentined
but can be keep at the persons home as long as the ferret is keep seperate
from other animals and handle by only the owner.  Many times I have had run
ins with animal control folks but am happy to say most of the animal control
person here in Colorado have a brain and after a short briefing on ferrets
have asked for me to hold a class on ferrets and from this we have many more
educated people on ferrets who do not go euthansia happy just to get it over
with.  I personally feel this is the case with many, they feel it is much
easier to inject that small defensless animal with euthanasia solution than
to take the time to open their small minds and learn.  And to this I say
they should be charged with animal cruelty for ignorance is not an excuse.
And if this death sentence should come forth I shall be the first to fly to
Michigan and sit before an judge to state the obvious ignorance shown by the
Michigan animal control.  For it is their ignorance that makes my job ever
that much harder.
And just a quick note after 10 years in the veterinary world I have never
once feared a ferret scratch or bite, for which I have recieved so few.  Nor
have any of the veterianrians I have worked with.  But bring in a stray
dog/cat which I have had countless wounds and I worry some, but would never
euthanise a animal with out giving it that 10 day chance to prove all is
well.  If you can not respect and do everything in your power to help a
animal you should not be in the animal line of work.
Stephanie Sheme  Veterinary Technician
President/Founder Ferrets Etc.
Feel free to edit and revise bad spelling and such as needed.  Please send
to the right persons.  Take care all and blessings to Kodo
[Posted in FML issue 1927]