Hi all:
Words can't begin to express my dismay, anger, and fear about Kodo's fate.
Kodo isn't the first that has been sentenced to die, and if we don't do
something this won't be the last time.  "I'm mad as hell and I won't take it
So here's what's up.  For everyone who's read (and ignored) the plea (me
included) that if "every ferret owner donated $1 for the rabies shed study,
it would be completed and a quarantine period would be set" it's now time to
do something.  For Kodo, it looks like we might be too late (keep praying).
I need all of the information about the rabies shed study.  What it will
accomplish, how much it will cost, and whether it will be a done deal that
once a quarantine period is set ferrets can no longer be put to sleep for no
reason.  Someone out there knows about this study, I feel very guilty that I
can't even recall who it is.
Once I have a thorough understanding of what the rabies shed study will
accomplish, I need to have a thorough understanding of what exactly it will
take to protect ferrets from being killed.  If a dog bites a kid, does it
have to be put to sleep?  My understanding is no, it doesn't.  So how do we
get ferrets to this point?
There are 2300+ people who are reading this list.  There have to be enough
of us that care enough for ferrets like Kodo that we can fight.  Look at the
folks in California that have banded together.  I can't do this by myself,
guys.  I don't have the time, certainly no money, and I don't have the
faintest clue how to begin.  But I have the will and the drive.
I still have my fingers crossed for Kodo--I will until I've heard we lost
the fight.  This ferret is about to become famous, because if I get my way
and can somehow make this quarantine period set it's gonna be in Kodo's name
(for all of the poor sweeties before him---hopefully there won't be after).
Someone please tell me where to start, and anyone who wants to help me EMAIL
ME!  Also, if you are e-mailing me any information about the rabies shed
study, quarantine policy, or basically anything else on this matter *please
also cc your message* to Ilena Ayala at [log in to unmask]  She has
offered to do a website about rabies information.  Perhaps we can make this
website similar to Jeanne's Californians For Ferret Legalization page, with
constant updates about what's going on and what needs to be done.  Thanks.
Don't do this for me.  Do it for the darling 11 month old named Kodo that
very well might give his life for this.  Pray for him.
Kymberlie Becker
Director, Pennsylvania Ferret Rescue Association
"Forget Puppy Love...There's nothing Greater than Ferret Love!" TM
[Posted in FML issue 1926]