FLO operatives:
The struggle continues for the Trouble Team of Subversion Agent "Drew" and
Demolition Technician "Ty" here in Shrewsbury, MA.
They have been stationed in enemy territory for the last six months.  Though
young, they have shown the tenacity and skill worthy of seasoned Ferret
Operatives in their exploits of sabotage, hijacking, and stealth assaults.
Currently, they are disguised as ordinary pet 'weezils', and have assumed a
cover identity as prisoners of war.  However, each night under cover of dusk
they escape to harass the local feline population, liberate raisin and
banana supplies from the unsuspecting humans, and when possible conduct
raids against opportune barefoot targets.
Subversion Agent "Drew" is currently engaged in a plot to lull the Humans
into revealing state secrets by pretending to be bribed with the insidious
"Ferretone" substance - vital for our continued efforts, but the situation
is under control, and her loyalty is assured.
Demolition Technician "Ty" continues his normal dismantling of the Humans
"TP" stations, as well as the occasional search for the elusive objects
known only as "PANS" - as yet only rarely sighted.  He single-pawedly has
neutralized the feline presence, causing one unit to retreat to higher
ground on sight, and engaging the other in close combat without casualty to
Both have noted that the placement of "toxic waste" - deposited in selected
areas - unfortunately has proven necessary as a diversion tactic.  However,
no permanent damage has been done to civilian toy targets.
Further exploits may be posted (as time permits) at the Human Double Agent's
Secret Hideout, located at
     Deep Fert
[Posted in FML issue 1925]