After thinking that my Cassidy was the only ferret in the world for over a
year, I adopted a little girl Thursday-named her Daisy.  She was advertised
in a local paper and when I called I knew that she needed me.  She was in
cedar shavings mixed with old cigarette butts and various other items and
she was fed cheap catfood.  She is only six months old and is very skinny.
The guy said that she had her shots before he got her and he got her when
she was 11 weeks old.  When will she be due for more shots and are all the
kit shots complete before 11 weeks?  What can I do to fatten her up.  She
gladly switched to Kaytee and next week when I go on vacation I'm going to
look for TF.  Bye the way, Cassidy has already let her into his sweatpants
to sleep.  It was love at first sight.
Cassidy is almost 2 yrs old so is it normal for him to sleep a lot more
than her?  Also, he is much less active but this is how he has always been.
Is there anything I can do to increase his energy level because it wouldn't
hurt him to lose a little weight.
[Posted in FML issue 1923]