Hi fellow FML-ers,
I saw Sierra magazine for the first time last week, and I have to say I'm
extremely disappointed that Sierra Club is anti-ferret.  I really liked the
mag, and I'm writing a grant for a wildlife sanctuary and I thought, "Wow,
this magazine would be a great source of info for stuff like that."
And then I remembered that Sierra Club isn't supporting the legalization of
frits in CA.  Which means, of course, that I can't, as a ferret lover in
good conscience, join the club to get a subscription of the mag.  AND THEN I
read the letter about Sierra's stand in yesterday's FML--I read that they
"don't usually get involved in issues surrounding domenstic animals" and was
shocked to read further and see that they're actually ACTIVELY anti-ferret
in CA.  And accusing ferret people of calling them ignorant, only to go on
and prove how ignorant they are.
GRRRR--I hate stupid people, and I think stupid organizations and
corporations are even worse.
But here's my idea ... and I thought if everyone here followed suit, we
might make an impression on the Sierra club.  I took the membership form out
of the magazine and I'm going to send it in with a VOIDED check for
membership dues and a little note about how I'm a ferret owner and though
I'd really like a subscription to their mag, I just can't give the Sierra
Club any money when they oppose an issue so important to me.  And it won't
cost me anything but a 32 cent stamp.  And I'm going to check the box for
the most expensive membership and write the check for that amount.  And then
I'll write VOID across the check and mail it out with the proper membership
form, in the proper "I want to join" envelope.  Wish I'd purchased those
ferret checks!
Here's the rub: The issue of Sierra that I saw at the laundry mat clearly
supports the plight of the Black Footed Ferret, with a cute picture and a
little synopses about how there are only 30 left in the wild, 130 being
raised in captivity for future release, etc ... (it was an old issue) ... I
know there isn't a correlation between the domestic ferret and the BFF, but
sheesh, even the BFF hasn't managed to survive on its own in the wild--how
do they expect the domestic ferret to manage such a feat?  And aren't they
terribly worried that the BFF, (when repopulized) might work its way into CA
and destroy that delicate eco-system?
And don't you think that it just might be possible that it's all the human
pollution that's made the CA ecosystem so darn fragile?  hmph.  Sound
possible to me, as a non-researched hypothesis, at least.
Anyway... get a copy of Sierra's membership form and send in your request
for membership and voided check.  Let them see that ferret lovers all over
the country support ferret legalization in CA ... and give them an idea of
how many new members they WON'T have because of their stand on this issue.
[Posted in FML issue 1952]