This is a copy, of a copy, of a copy of a letter handed down to me.  It was
written to Pamela Grant in 1994 and I'm sure she would not mind it being
posted.  It may have already been posted.  But on the chance not - I found
it most interesting - then you will understand my next ?  post.  [ The
Extension Service is an agency of the United States Department of
Agriculture and the Federal Partner in the Cooperative Extension System.]
Dear Ms. Grant:
You recently requested information regarding the designation of ferrets by
the US Dept. of Agriculture. I could not determine if the Extension Service
has a designation, but it is very doubtful there is adesignation as there is
no need for this type informa- tion for any of our activities.
I checked with the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) and
found that they do not cover ferrets in their regulations.  The APHIS uses
the state regulations regarding these designations to take precedence in any
of their regulatory functions.  However, under the APHIS animal care
regulations, they do not consider the ferret to be wild, and do not consider
the ferretto be exotic.  Therefore, they must consider the ferret to be a
pet, or domestic.  This is the best information available to me.  I hope it
is beneficial to your organization.  Please contact me (202/720-4087) if you
require further assistance.
Richard Reynnells,  National Program Leader,  Poultry Science and Fur-bearing
Does any _one_ have any more info on this or exactly what does it mean ?
Why isn't this good enough for CaCaLand ?  Should I flood the committee with
this as a fax?
Susan Brown,DVM states in the new 'Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents CLINICAL
MEDICINE AND SURGERY' that currently, no state recognizes the ferret as a
domestic animal; therefore, regulations regarding this species usually are
enforced by state fish and wildlife or conservation departments.  Now I'm
really confused!!  Can anyone make since of all this and PLEASE post it.
Hey Bob, I know you are fittin' to be off and runnin', but do ya got any
ideas here ?  ( Oh, Bob you WILL be meeting me soon.)
[Posted in FML issue 1922]