I've already sent this message privately to Alicia, but would like to
continue some of this discussion hree and have edited my message to Alicia
for the FML.
>From: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Vaccine post  - continued
>The point I REALLY  wanted to make is that
>I will keep your quest for documentation in mind, and as I receive it I
>will pass it along
>So sorry to hear of Caspers loss.  I have heard though not seen
>documentation of ferrets vaccinated with Fervac-D developing hind end
Hi Alicia,
Thanks for clearing up my misunderstanding.  I apologize for the
misunderstanding and want to be sure that what you understand what I wrote
was NOT meant to be a flame in any way!!
I know that vaccine choice is a sensitive subject, and I feel that we each
should make our own choice without interference from others.  Please
understand that I would try to never judge you or your decisions!
Thanks also for promising to keep me appraised of any documents that you may
come across.  I am interested in what you heard, but I don't think you
should include Casper into this group of ferrets having vaccine
reactions/side effects.
Although, this could have been one of the causes of Casper's disease, I
personally believe that his disease was more a product of his heredity than
a possible exposure to distemper or bad distemper vaccine.  Casper was a
Path Valley Farm ferret who was born at the end of their food fiasco in '93
- I had feared when he was young that we might see some problems when he got
older, I never imagined it would come so quickly and we would lose him so
early.  (I should probably add that Dr Kemmerer does not share this view.)
If you would like to see the letters that Dr Kemmerer wrote to me about
Casper's diagnosis, please let me know.  It is very informative yet lacks so
much at the same time... I posted the information back in March to the FML,
but I guess you didn't see it.
So that Casper's death will not be in vain, I have asked Dr K to give
copies of Casper's records to anyone. I will be traveling to her office in
the next two weeks, so let me know if you want a copy.
Happy ferreting!
[Posted in FML issue 1950]