I was very touched to read the guest book at Kodo's website:
Please keep faxing and calling Governor Engler and the media.  If you have
kids who like to write, this is a great intro to government participation.
     Gov John Engler
     Ph: 517-335-7858
     Fax 517-335-6863 or 517-335-6949
Any Michigan folks out there--can you please post the addresses for letters
to the editor for Bay City Times (e-mail and/or written) and especially any
Lansing newspaper.  Also, what are the snail mail addresses for the Mich
Dept Public Health?  Does any one know the structure of the Mich Dept Public
Health?  Who are these low-lifes responsible to?
Let's flood these people with opinion.  These are supposed to be public
servants; as near as I can tell they are only interested in serving
themselves.  They are truly a disgrace to the public health profession.
I am still hopeful for Kodo.  We are sending him and his family lots of love.
Ralphie, Harry, Pr Charming and Merlin
[Posted in FML issue 1950]