Maggie wrote how her ferts are turning up their cold, wet little noses at
her for leaving.  Been there, done that, getting the same ol' treatment from
mine at the moment.  Apparently they heard about how ENGLISH ferrets get to
escape, go feral, and elope with the polecats, and they're all jealous now.
Potpie pooped in not one, not TWO, but THREE, yes, folks, THREE places other
than her litterbox to show her disapproval.  And this is FOUR days after I
returned.  It's amazing that such a little body (well, okay, she's rather
pudgy at the moment) can hold such a biiiiig grudge.
Like, for example, the past few days.  She doesn't really like my
housemates, since Brett never looks down when he walks and therefore ends up
punting her around the room whenever they're both out at the same time (yes,
we keep Brett locked up in a cage too) and Neil is the surrogate mom whose
duty it is to prevent Potpie from burrowing in the couch ("Rabbits!
RAAABBBIIIIIIITTTTS!") when I'm out of the room.  Well, since I've gotten
back, Potpie has bitten Neil, Brett, AND the kitten several times -
basically, any chance she gets.  And after she bites them?  She runs over to
me and curls up in my lap.  After she poops on the stairwell.
Sheesh.  I took her with me when I walked to a downtown market to buy coffee
this weekend, and got stopped by several very nice people who were all very
cool about meeting a ferret.  ie, no "What kind of rat is that?" questions.
One guy was pretty thrilled to be able to talk to me about what owning a
ferret is like, as he wants one, but I must admit that if he'd managed to
ask me two days later I'd have given him a much ruder answer.  Like the one
I gave another customer at the vet's today: If you don't want a
three-year-old (human) in your house, you shouldn't own a ferret, as they're
brats.  Not that I'm short of patience with them right now, or anything.  :)
But if Potpie attempts to put one more hole into my housemates, she's going
to be next winter's earmuffs.
oh, okay, not really.
 ___ Melissa Litwicki __ [log in to unmask] ___
 By the whole newsgroup devoted tennis showing
     it after scarfing fork and laughters
[Posted in FML issue 1949]