Hi Guys!
Just thought Mom needed to let you know how I am doing.  For those of you
who forgot I will give you the quick version of what I have been through for
the past 6 months.  I was rescued on December 16 with my Mom knowing I would
get ECE, but she also knew that I would die in the conditions that I was in.
She took me home and within 48 hours I had ECE real bad.  I became allergic
to everything the vet was giving me and I became bald.  On New Years Eve I
became paralyzed from the neck down with no bladder control.  I guess you
could say I was a drippy mess!  ;-) After taking me to the vet Mom and the
Vet decided to wait for a day to see what would happen, all along Mom
feeling guilty.  Well, by January 2 I began to sit on my own and slow made
progress.  With herbs, and physical therapy I can now walk normally.  I
still have a tendancy to drag one leg, but I am actually using it the way I
should be.  Mom now says she wants me to start hitting the litter
boxes....as if!  Oh well, for all of you who aren't feeling well, hang in
there, it may take a little while, but it is worth the wait.  To my friend
Fester keep up you wonderful work, and keep on surprising your Mom.  It is
funny how easy Moms cry!  And for those of you who wonder, I am no longer
for adoption, Mom is keeping me for her own!  Ha I bet she doesn't know that
is all I wanted to begin with!
Lots of hugs and ferret kisses!
[Posted in FML issue 1949]