Hello Ferret Friends.
Final arguments went on-time today.  Sal (Kodo's attorney) opened the
arguments by using some of the testimony given by the State of Michigan's
own witness' showing how they were either outright lying, or distorting
facts to serve their needs.  He also pointed out how their witness' (in
particular Dr. Strobanski and Dr. Hall) contradicted themselves repeatedly
while on the stand, misquoted the facts etc.  etc.  etc.
The states arguments consisted of referring to the Michigan Ferret Law
stating that the only reference to the commppendium of rabies control was
only refferred to for the 1992 version, that the 1991 ACIP was what they
operated on and the the 1997 compendium could not possibly be considered
because our law went into effect in 1994.  (confused yet?) Then they turned
around and started trying to quote the 1997 compendum and how it was in
error etc etc etc.  What it all boils down to is they could not provide one
single fact to defend their position so they resorted to lying about our
ferret's living conditions, lying about (and personal slanders against)
Kitty and myself and simply attempting to muddy up the waters to where the
plight of Kodo was lost.  There's an old military saying that fits their
position to a T "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, Baffle them with
Kitty brought a dog home to adopt from this same animal control facility.
They "adopted" this dog out to her knowing that it had no rabies vaccine, no
distemper vaccine, with full knowledge that we had ferrets here in the
house, then in court they said the dog may have brought rabies into the
house even though it never had contact with the ferrets.  You figure it out
cause I can't.
I, for the past 35 years, figured you went to a court of law to right a
wrong, to correct an injustice.  I was under the mis-assumption that in
court you were sworn to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the
truth, I see now that I was wrong.  The real truth is that if you work for
the government you can say\do anything you want and evidently no
repurcussions will come your way.  If your just the little peon (like me)
you have no rights whatsoever.  We had to try to prove a negative which is
impossible.  The whole scene is ludicrous, ridiculous and absolutely absurd.
I'll try to follow this up with more later.  Right now we have company, and
the phone is ringing off the hook so I wanna get something out quickly to
let everyone know.
The judge has til 5:05 PM Friday to render his decision.
Robert Jacobs
Kodo's Daddy
[Posted in FML issue 1949]