First, my condolences to you, Mo' Bob on the loss of your father.  My kids
send you kisses and dooks.
Second: Happy belated, Maggie, Hope your lil ones did something special for
you (like actually attaining 100% litter box hit rate for the day :P )
A question: My lil girl, Spice, four yrs old, DEW, spayed and descented (she
is a MF girl) has developed an enlarged vulva that is weeping a little bit
of whitish/green pus.  It is not the typical enlargement that would be
associated with Adrenal disease (the vulva is not looking like that of a
ferret in heat) This is the first time this has happened, and she has been
in this condition for a while.  She is not experiencing any hair loss.  We
first thought it was some sort of vaginitus--and she has been treated with 2
different antibiotics with no improvement (Baytril and SMZ-TMP suspension)
She has had a vaginal culture done and it came back negative.  She is going
in today for bloodwork.  Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.  I
would rather avoid surgery at this point as I will be moving soon
     Thanks in advance for your help,
[Posted in FML issue 1944]