This is Mark Zmyewski with Cloud Nine Ferrets in Huntsville, Alabama.  Some
of you may remember that about three months ago, a local pet store gave us
three ferrets from Holmes, a breeder in PA.  The three girls were biting all
of the customers and the owners of the pet store.  Well, two of the three
are doing better (one is my personal pet now), but one of them, Sasha, is
still biting...usually without warning.  When she bites, she holds on and
almost nothing can make her let go.
Heath and Donna Niehaus, the two main folks of Cloud Nine, have a young son
who will be home for the summer soon.  They do not want to take the chance
of their son and/or his friends getting bitten.  For this reason, we would
like to sell or give her away to someone who:
1) is already a ferret owner and
2) is willing to work with her and risk losing some blood  :-)
Please do not send me email suggesting ways to get her to stop biting.
Heath and Donna have made up their minds and I cannot take her.  I have four
already and my roommate will NOT allow me to bring a 5th into his house.
Sasha is an eight month old spayed female.  When you pick her up, there are
no "squishy" parts...she is solid muscle.  She is in good health.
We would be willing to give her away at no charge.  We may, however,
need some help with the shipping.
-Mark Zmyewski
 Cloud Nine Ferrets
 Huntsville, Alabama
 (205) 536-6348
 (205) 885-0105 - Heath and Donna Niehaus
  If you wish to reply to me, change my
  return address to "[log in to unmask]".
[Posted in FML issue 1943]