Well actually, I'd envisioned Elizabeth as the *moderator* of the
show.....Didn't think it'd be quite fair to have her as a "combatant", as it
were.... she knows too much about Bob, for one thing!  LOL
Oh Maggie --- the salsa here isn't *too* bad if you add about 1/2 bottle of
Louisiana Hot Sauce to it first....maybe a few Sezuan (sp?) Death Peppers
for flavor....
Todd -- I agree with you 100%!!!  Ours are MUCH calmer when we don't keep
them caged.  However, Trish, I agree with you on the break-in or fire
scenario as well.... I do worry about that.  BUT, like Todd, I've weighed
the pros and cons, and come up with the opinion that *my* ferrets are better
off uncaged.  This would not necessarily be true for another's ferts.  Mine
are almost ALWAYS in one place they call theirs.... I've never had a problem
finding them.
Hey all you closet chocolate feeders....Listen to Maggie-Wise!  You can get
Nutella here in the States, and it's WONDERFUL STUFF.  (I'm on my way now
Maggie -- I usually go thru a jar in a day, so better stock up... Heheheheh)
It's probably a LOT better for the ferts, too...less chocolate concentration
per lick, so to speak.  Also, we've found that a tiny powdering of Ovaltine
in milk (smaaaallllllll amount of milk!!!) is a great treat for the
chocoholic ferret as well... again, it dilutes the chocolate, has the same
chocolaty taste, and (according to the ads!) vitamins as well!  Our 5 year
old used to get a slurp of it each evening ... still does when my ex comes
over.  (Talk about a fert-spoiler!!!  Eeesshh!  LOL)
Mustang Charlie said nothing was worse than a militant ferret... well... How
about a militant ferret who just had a chocolate cappucino???  With LOTS of
cream?  Yikes!
To the one who asked about "Flat Ferrets" -- yes mine do that run & flatten
thing all the time -- always have, and I've had ferrets constantly since
1980 (2 to 4 at a time).  There have also been quite a few references to
that behavior here on the FML if I'm not mistaken.  So, don't worry... it's
normal (if you can call *any* ferret behavior "normal"!)
Sorry this was so long -- I've been camping all weekend and just caught up
on the past 4 FML's.
Otter & the Miniature Mustelid Mob (with only 3, and in MO, I feel
like a piker! Maggie has 19, Bob has 17 & the Petersons have 9... all
here in MO!  Must be the SHOWME FERRETS State!)
[Posted in FML issue 1941]