...this is bob's respone and my responce to bob..  thank you for publishing
First Carrowor and spoke for more than an hour last night and this is the
response he put in writhing that he wanted me to post to the FML and send
out.  People need to understand that this is not an attack against anyone
these are concerns that where raised and brought to me .  I was asked to
raise some of these questions.  FYI spoke with bob and we decided not to
send anything to the media.  Again this is not a flame and Carrowor agrees
that they are issuse that need to be addressed.  i will continue to support
the cause as i have in the past.  and to thouse who think i havent you have
no idea want has been done in the fight to save Kodo..  just ask bob...
>From:    Mark johnson <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Questions about KODO
>There seems to be less and less information is coming out of MI about the
>whole story.
You are correct here.  I've been soooooo busy taking care of everything
here, faxing info out to the attorney, handling paperwork, trying to find
people to make the t-shirts etc.  that I've had to back off somewhat.  Plus
everything being in "stasis" and not having all the facts I don't want to
put out any info that isn't factual.
>This concerns myself and others because the feeling that we get is that the
>agenda has changed..  For one thing the rumor is that the G.L.F.A.  (Great
>Lakes Ferret Assoc.) is trying to be enjoined into the legal battle as a
>petitioner.  We believe that this is not in the best interest of Kodo.
The agenda has changed somewhat.  The original attorney for Bay County told
the appellate court she had nothing more to say and that she was done with
the case.  Therefore the attorney general's office had to step into the case
in the public's interest.  Our attorney suggested that GLFA be added to the
complaint as it would appear stronger to the court system and give more push
to establishing the proper guidelines for the state.  This effects no change
when it comes to Kodo's interests.  The emphasis remains the same.
>When the local club's (GLFA) treasurer (Gloria Davis) makes a statement "If
>Kodo is euthanized and it looks like he very well might be, then he would
>become a "martyr" and more donations would come in and Michigan would then
>have a new, clear law stating quarantine so this would not happen again.
>And that a precedence would be set here for the rest of the states." Said
>in response "In other words you are saying sacrafice one to save many?" She
>answered "I don't want to see him killed, but if it happens it will save
>many.  With him alive and set free it wil l he harder to get the funds to
>get a new law passed" In response "I couldn't even see one dying, because
>there was no need for it.  That too many have died needlessly already."
>This statement to me is self serving and not in the best interest of Kodo.
You have to be in our shoes to totally understand this I think.  We know
that the slightest little slip in the hands of the court and Kodo will be
euthanized.  ie: if appellate court returns us to Circuit Court without
specifically stating that the stay of execution remain in effect Karen Burns
of Animal Control will murder Kodo without a second thought once again "in
the interest of public health" So, we have steeled our nerves against the
"shock" of this happening.  Yes, he would become a martyr and an innocent
loving life would be lost.  Our feelings here are that they are waiting the
oppourtunity to murder our Kodo with the thought that we will give up the
battle at that point as several others have, WE WON'T QUIT NO MATTER WHAT!!!
Yes, if Kodo is alive and freed it will be more difficult to get funds and
get things straightened out, so be it.  I'll do whatever is needed to raise
the funds.  I think maybe Gloria had a little tunnel vision here looking at
changing things and right past Kodo's plight but not nesessarily "self
serving" .
>The next item we need to discuss is the fact that on May 6th that there was
>a wild animal biting incident at a zoo in MI.  Here is how it was related
>to me.
>On May 6th four days after Kodo was confiscated by the Animal Control
>Department of Bay City, Michigan, a young man 16 years old was at the zoo
>with his parents.  They were at this exhibit and the son wanted to pet the
>animals in it.  His father held him by his legs and lowered him within
>touching distance of the animal which in turn bit him as he tried to touch
>it.  The animal involved is a "Caped Clawless Otter" (they are an endangered
>species).  The bite was reported and the mated pair of otters were put in
>quarantine at the zoo by Dalen Agnew, DMV.  These otters have had distemper
>and rabies vaccines, their shots were up to date.
I understand this is not true.  They were indeed vaccinated but not with the
recommended vaccines ie:Imrab-3.  Since they are closely related to our
fur-kids Imrab-3 would be the recommended one.  Dr. Ginger (our vet) has the
verbal info on this and we're awaiting the written reports\explination
before trying to state facts so that everything is "proper"
>They are and will be quarantined at the zoo for the next 6 months.  They
>are supposed to go to the Toronto Zoo in Canada this past week to be on
>display there.  The Toronto Zoo already has an exhibit area renovated for
>them.  This has all been put on hold now.  I asked if they knew if the bite
>had been reported and was told according to Michigan Law it had to be.  The
>Local clubs' (GLFA) treasurer (Gloria Davis) has had this knowledge for more
>than a week along with others with interest in Kodo.  When confronted with
>this parties involved to my source suggested to contact media and give this
>information anonymously.
The media has been notified, but no interest has been generated as the facts
are all hush hush for now.  More governmental bull.
>The last thing we wanted to bring up is the money.  There has been many
>different accounts of just how much money has come in.  At this point we
>believe that it is time for a full accounting of what has come in and what
>it is being spent on.
To date we have recieved just a touch over $5,000 in donations, $300 for
t-shirts, bumper stickers etc.  and have utilized the $3,000 that was in the
GLFA's Legal Action Fund already.  It's gone to attorney fees, filing costs,
transportation costs etc.  There is a reserve set aside from that for the
tickets needed to get some of the experts here and there have been tickets
donated from individuals and sent directly to the experts for whenever they
are needed.  GLFA is picking up the tab on all the expenses to date and will
continue to do so.  They have been super with financial and moral support.
Gloria Davis is a very professional person and is keeping all the receipts
of expensis, and records of all donations.  (one less task for me)
>I am writing this e-mail because some of the other people expressing their
>views here don't want any repercussions from some of the people involved
>with Kodo.  Myself, well I don't give a darn what people think about me.
>Again this is not an attack on anyone but it is time that these questions
>and some others get answered.  Feel free to e-mail me with your comments,
>screams or questions.  I will answer every one.  Just so everyone knows this
>e-mail will be going to everyone I have on the mailing list including TV,
>radio and the press.  And all the mailing lists.  Again many, many thanks to
>all that have put in the long hours to save Kodo's life.  It's just not time
>to give up on him yet.  Even though some already have.
>Give all the little ones a big hug, they need to know just how special they
>really are to us all.
>Mountain and the whole in the wall gang
>[log in to unmask]
Thank You Mountain.  This did need to come out in the open air as none of us
want to hide any "dirty laundry".  I personally do not need to\want to
profit in any way from any of this other than to know that our fuzzies in
Michigan are protected the same as cats and dogs are.  With the tension in
the air fighting for Kodo's life it's very easy to mis-inturpret anything.
It's also easy to lose focus and look past the immediate necessity to the
long range goals.  GLFA has been excellent with us and continues to be.  I
have had to steele myself against what may happen to Kodo but I have not
given up hope and we continue the fight to free him.  I am the ONE and only
person who can say quit which I never will.
[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 1940]