I am at the end of my rope, and considering making a nice set of fuzzy
gloves to keep my hands warm this winter.(not really, I'm just frustrated.)
About a month ago, my fiancee and I moved into a new townhouse.  It has a
large kitchen with tile floor.  In the old apartment we had about a 95% hit
rate on the litter box with the two little girls.  The new place seems to be
more like a 95% miss rate.
The cage is upstairs, so when the girls were downstairs and had to go, they
would usually go on the tile floor, which really wasn't that bad.  I still
scolded them and reminded them where their litter box was.  Last week I
finally got a litter box for the kitchen, but they will not use it unless I
catch them and throw their little butts in there.
I can't for the life of me, figure out why they decide to go potty upstairs,
on the carpet, in the corner, right beside the litter box.  I have not
changed brands of litter, in fact I am using from the same bag that I have
been using for a while.  And I am very good about keeping the litter box
clean.  Are they doing it to spite me?  I really don't want to have to get
rid of my ferrets, but they are destroying the carpet.  Any suggestions
would be most appreciated!!
                                        frustrated in PA
Also, I'm not in any position to send a donation to the legal fund, but I
wrote a letter to my Senator last night about Kodo.  I'm not sure if it will
do any good, but I am still waiting for a response.  Maybe he is friends
with the MI senators, or maybe he has a fondness for fuzzbutts.  Anyway, I
had to give it a try.
Jason Matchett
[Posted in FML issue 1938]