Greetings, all.
I've been lurking for a couple of months here, after discovering the little
critters of which we are all so fond.  Initially, we considered taking a
ferret that was looking for a new home when his dad had to move and couldn't
take him, but someone else took him home first.  This led us to the search
for info on these critters, discovering how terrific they are, then deciding
that we could not continue without adding a new baby to our family.
Consequently, after searching and calling pet stores and shelters, we bought
not one, but two ("honey, you can't just have ONE-- she will need a buddy to
snuggle with!") 14 week old kits, Gracie and Digger - named by the kids
after animals on a TV show on Meerkats.  They are MF kits from a pet store
where we were impressed by the overall knowledge, treatment and condition of
their animals, esp the ferrets.
They have proven to be absolutely wonderful little friends, quickly learning
to use the litter box(es), and quickly learning that YOU DON"T BITE HUMANS!
(wet toes right out of the shower are an exception).  We have a busy
household, with multiple animals and three children, ages 3, 5 and 12.  My
kids have been conditioned to behave around all kinds of animals, as I have
a pet sitting business.  I knew they would be good with the ferrets, and I
was right.  G&D chase the cats through the house, lick the guinea pigs
through the gp's cage, and crawl all over the greyhound, much to her
dismay--all under the very watchful eye of MOM.  Gracie follows the kids
around like a puppy, enjoying their raucous play and joining right in.  She
has several stashes of toy dinosaurs, her treasures!  Digger is partial to
exploring and dragging stuffed animals three times her size around the house
("How come this won't fit under the dresser?!"), and has become quite
attached to me, seeking me out when she wants to play-- and we are very
lucky-they are both of the cuddly variety of ferrets!  They are healthy,
fully vaccinated and wonderful.  However, I have two questions for those of
you more experienced than I with ferrets:
1) G&D both get ferretone daily, about 3/4 tsp.  I also give them ferretvit,
esp.  Digger, as she is a little thinner than Gracie and doesn't seem to
pick up weight as fast, although otherwise healthy.  I am concerned about
overdosing Vit A in giving both supplements- my vet, who is moderately well
versed in ferretdom, as it is relatively new in Massachusetts, says that as
long as I stay within the recommended dosage on the label, it SHOULD be OK.
They are 18 weeks old and were 1.6 and 1.4 lbs, respectively,when checked by
vet two weeks ago.  What do you think?  2) Digger has a funny bone
structure- her breast-bone and bottom of the rib cage is slightly protruding
and seems lower than on Gracie, as if she may have extra ribs.  I wonder if
this may be related to her thinness, if it might be a congenital defect, or
"just how she is made".  The vet didn't think it anything to be alarmed
about, but I am concerned that it might cause her future problems--any
experience with odd bone structures?
Sorry to be so windy, just wanted to say "HI" to y'all, and I enjoy reading
your letters- lots of fun and information here!  My strongest thoughts to
Kodo and his people; I am appalled at what is happening.  We just can't be
too careful with our misunderstood friends.  Thanks and nice to meet
[Posted in FML issue 1937]