>From:    "Andrew W.Gould" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Babyattacks/Cat claws etc
>I know many of you are devoted ferret people and only have ferrets but as a
>lover of all animals please be aware that your generalizations of other
>animals are what we are trying to avoid being done to ferrets.
I think you're confusing fact with what you consider generalizations.  It is
a physical, as well as documented fact that cats & dogs are potentially more
dangerous than ferrets.  There is an average of 12 deaths per year in the
U.S. caused by dogs.  This is not a generalization.  Also, just by sheer
size they are more of a threat.
Also, I think your statement about ferrets being an exclusive pet is a
generalization.  Most of the people I've known over the years that have
ferrets also have other pets - at least 1, but most of the time multiple.  I
myself own 2 large american mixit pooches & 2 birds in addition to my 8
The comparison between ferrets & other companion pets like cats & dogs isn't
fabrication & isn't meant to be slanderous.  Ferrets are portrayed as far
more dangerous, viscious animals that are inapproprite as companion pets, by
the ferret opposition like the CDFG.  The comparison is an attempt to paint
a picture rational people can relate to & understand why a 2 lb. ferret
can't do the kind of physical damage, with the same speed that a cat or
small dog can.
Juliana - my opinions are my own & not necessarily those of the GDFA
Frodo, Rocks, Anola Gay, SNAFU, FUBAR, Tabu, Chaos & Tuxedo
[Posted in FML issue 1920]