>However, ferrets probably use plant proteins in the same way that cats do -
>in its half-digested, thanks-to-the-grain- eating-mouse kinda way.  Am I
>totally off-base?
No Melissa, there is a Santa.  Ferrets CAN digest plant protein, what they
lack is the chemical and mechanical means to break down the cellulose in
plant cell walls very well.  Anything sealed in cellulose passes through
unscathed.  The problem with plant protein has to do with the idea of a
"complete" protein.  Animals can metabolize some, but not all amino acids
and proteins they need from other amino acids.  Those they can't are called
"essential" proteins and have to be in the diet, mileage varies with the
critter involved.  Taurine is an example for ferrets.  Now essential
proteins and their constituent aminos are used in a precise ratio to each
other.  An essential amino in excess of that ratio is not used for anabolic
purposes, but broken down for energy, freeing up the nitrogen to form urea
near the naughty bits.  So the least present (or totally absent) amino
becomes the determining factor on the "quality" of the protein.  A scale
might run from egg white at about 100% usable to saw dust, which isn't
worth...... That's why corn protein is "bad" in ferret food, it is not
complete for a ferret's needs (and this is why veggies have to be careful in
their diet selection to get a mix that provides complete protein).  So
without going on interminably, if ferret prey has already done some
preprocessing on plant matter, it will be used for cell building or energy
like an animal protein would, just with more bias toward the energy side.
>Again, good information that I will ferret away (har har).
This appeals to the cunning linguist in me.  Now you can ferret things out
and squirrel them away, but is it proper use to ferret something away?  This
hits me the same way as when somebody "speaks to" a problem, preposition
abuse to the highest degree.  There are places I wouldn't go for a cheap
laugh!  BTW - "forte" when used to mean a skill is pronounced "fort" not
"for tay", although "mangrove throat warbler" is also acceptable.  I never
use the term 'cuz if you use it right, everybody thinks you're an idiot.
Keeping people from thinking I'm an idiot is my mangrove throat warbler.
(Actually, it should be spelled "Raymond Luxury Yacht", but I don't want to
go to the alpha extreme.)
>I just started receiving the FML and have become a nervous ferret owner.  I
>have started to believe that my ferrets will suffer from being descented.
>It seems that they may end up with some sort of anal thingie because of the
>descenting.  I made an appointment with the vet to have the second
>distemper shot, and became worried about them having allergic reactions to
>the vaccine.
Isn't it wonderful to have a forum that eases the mind of a new owner
looking to do right by their animal?  If your ferret isn't having the minor
problem of a prolapsed rectum, it is mostly likely among the majority that
will never.  It can happen and descenting is not a necessary thing, but if
that's the worst to befall your ferret, it has a charmed life.  Relax and
enjoy the beastie while you can, since trouble will find you without looking
for it to help it along.  It has more avenues than you can possibly watch.
Ferrets are a source of joy and wonder, don't make them more baggage to
worry about.  I'm not saying to not care, just don't worry.  When something
comes up (and it will), deal with it, but spend the time in between the way
your ferret will .... having fun and dumping in corners.  Is there a mark on
your beast?
   ( )--(a)
   (@=@=) \     Till next time.......Rudy the ferlosopher
   O__)  \ \___
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[Posted in FML issue 1904]