I am new to FML and LOVE it!  I am writing here from Kansas City, Kansas and
although not new to ferretdom, I do have some questions about my youngest
(by far not the littlest!) FurFace.  My mother bought my baby Elrond for me
at a local pet store (I know, I know---but if you had seen this face...) and
he was approx.  8 weeks old.  He was so hyper at the time and not being a
ferret expert, I thought everything was okay with him.  It turns out that my
little guy is deaf.  He hears some things (I think) like high tones and
kissy noises.  Is it possible that his little eardrums could have grown back
a little??  Also, he has stains on his teeth that look similar to
tetracycline stains; my vet said he was exposed to a virus when he was
little or in-utero.  The absolutly, most irrisistable thing about Elrond is
that he is tail-less.  Did his mommy bite it off?  Was he born without it??
What caused these things to happen to him?  One last thing, the pet store
called him a skunk?  ferret, but he is all white with a lite sprinkle of
black hairs and blue and red eyes.  (Black-eyed white?)
Please help me understand!  You can email me direct or post.
P.S. The reason I ask all these questions is because I took fuzzbutt to a
vet in town who told me that I was quite mistaken on Elrond being a hob.  I
had to show her where his little thing was.  Moral: even though the vet
claims to be a exotic vet with ferret experience---please make sure he knows
what he is doing!!!
thanks so much,
Mordred:  Mommy, is Elrond crazy??
Elrond:  This vaccum is a great toy!!  Lets play again!!!
Raistlin:  Sorry about the pop all over the table--next time you'll know
[Posted in FML issue 1904]