Greetings from the flooded Great Plains!  I hope all you New Englanders
weathered your storm safely.  I hear there was thunder and lightning along
with the blizzard last night!  That must have been something.  In
conscientious pursuit of Mo' Bob's advice to intellectually stimulate one's
ferrets, we have been trying to come up with new activities.  We're having
great success putting a large (9x15x2 inch) glass baking dish, half-filled
with water on the kitchen floor.  The wumps think this is amazing.  Jerill
(El Grande) in particular, will circle it on his hind legs, while nosing and
pawing at the water.  He looks like an otter fishing.  Eventually, he is
overcome with ecstasy, and steps into the water with all four paws.  Then he
digs furiously at the bottom of the dish.  By the time I mop up after him, I
have the cleanest kitchen floor in town.  Tom and Gabriella love to drink
out of the big dish, and all other dishes, and the bathtub, but only Jerill
goes fishing.  I tried a bit of banana on my crew the other night.  Only Tom
took a liking to it.  But when I offered it tonight, all three went for it
with vigor.  I'm so glad to have another treat to give them - although I'm
sure they shouldn't have too much too often.  Our thoughts and prayers are
with all those whose angels wait for them at the Rainbow Bridge.  Ferret
kisses, Susan and Stuart Jerill (and a puddle runs through it....) Tom (Mom,
when does my dryer hose get here?) Gabriella (I'll chase you 'til you chase
[Posted in FML issue 1890]