Greetings ferret parents,
In advance I would like to apologize for any excessive length.  I was one
digest behind.
Thanks to all who have shared Simple Green stories.  Looks like I found a
new floor cleaner.  My question is can it be used on other hard surfaces
other than floors such as walls?
Shelley Knudsen-
I am a loyal "Touched by an Angel" fan and watched the episode based in
retirement home where Tess introduces pet therapy.  However, I missed the
ferret.  Thanks for the notice as I will be sure to catch the rerun and look
for the fuzzy.  Another show I used to watch because of ferrets was Second
Noah.  They not only had two ferrets they had a menagerie of animals.  Too
bad it was cancelled.  I wasn't crazy about the stories, just the ferrets.
I agree with you completely on your take of "7th Heaven." I don't watch that
show and IMHO I am glad because of how they portrayed ferrets.  I love
watching shows with ferrets.  My dad loves the movie "Beastmaster" because
of the fuzzies.  He says they are the true stars of the film.  I've seen all
three of the Beastmaster movies and watch them when the opportunity arises
just so I can watch the antics of the ferrets.  They really are the stars.
The heck with Marc Singer.  :-)
More on Beastmaster.  The ferret club I belong to had a discussion on that
on time and how ferrets are illegal (and often confiscated) in CA (love the
ref. people come up with).  Anyway, since Hollywood is in CA a known FFZ
where were the three Beastmaster movies filmed so that the ferret stars are
protected or are they safe because of star status?  Also, what about
Kindergarten Cop where a ferret outstars Arnold Schwartznegger?
CJ England-
I also live in a rental house, but I did block off the only access to the
fridge with a piece of wood and that detered Rufus - at the Bridge- but not
Kalie.  She figured out how to get past it.  So now I have the wood, my
broom, a pvc pipe and in front of that a roll of newsprint paper my son uses
for his easel.  The thing is she just won't quit.  I always know what she is
up to when I hear the tell tale scratching.  :)
Sorry to hear about the accident with Shadow but happy he is fine despite it
all.  I agree on brain damage behavior in that like human children ferrets
don't know when to quit. :)  But we love them anyway.
Futons are great.  It gives a little sense of control because if Kalie hides
under it where I can't reach her all I do is take the cushion off and reach
through the slats.  That's how I find a lot of her treasure, also.
Did you ever get an answer on ferretspeak?  I have to try it sometime.
Please keep the tales coming.  The other day I started laughing so hard,
esp.  at the "boob" story (Tim) that my son demanded to know what was so
funny.  I love starting my day off with a good giggle.  That's why the first
thing I read on Sunday (hubby beats me to the computer) is the funny pages.
Catherine's cuteness attack with Nala and Mortimer, and Lynn's cuddle story
earn a perfect 10 on the cuteness meter.
Kalie did something silly yesterday.  I thought I had moved the cooler by my
back door far enough away from the garbage can, but I was wrong.  She jumped
from the top of the cooler into the can.  When I heard scratching I went to
check because it wasn't the fridge scratching.  I looked all over the
kitchen with no luck.  Than I looked at the garbage can.  There she was
looking up with a look of "what do you mean I can't dig in here?  Look at
all this great stuff." I pulled her out and the only thing was she smelled
like oranges.  I moved the can, but she kept trying to figure out a way to
get in there.
Well, I rambled on enough.  I do freelance writing at home and am supposed
to be working.  Sorry again for the length. I will try to keep it shorter.:)
In ferret love,
Donelle Whiting and family
Daddy (No Kalie, you cannot use the computer.)
Sebastian (Fetch the ball, Kalie)
Kalie (But I can't pick it up and hide it. What good is it?)
[Posted in FML issue 1904]