Hi.  I am "the impulsive buyer".  I feel in love with my ferret the second I
saw her in the pet store.  I immediately went to the net to look for help.
I found a news group dedicated to ferrets and posted a help question.  As I
am almost as new to the www as I am to the parenting of a ferret I was
amazed and pleased to find the next day I must have had 20 messages from
helpful ferret parents.  Most everyone suggested I subscribe to this list,
and get the ferret FAQ stuff.  All of your help is much appreciated.  What
would I have done without you all?  I am not even surprised as I turn to see
my new baby snuggled with my 5 year old son in the bean bag after a long day
of hiding remotes and toys in the couch cushions.  I think I finally found
someone that can keep up with my son!  By the way; 'Stinky' seems to have
stuck as her name.
Stinky and I thank you for all your help. --Lynn
[Posted in FML issue 1903]