>She gets along well with the other ferrets (my roommate has three), but she
>attacks humans.  She's drawn blood on my roommate and I almost every day.
>I've tried nose thumping, caging, bitter apple, holding by the scruff of the
>neck, holding her on her back, cooing and petting, squealing in pain, and
>loud outbursts of frustration (well, those were involuntary).  Nothing but
>nothing seems to make an impression.
I have a fuzz ball like that.  The key to convincing her not to bite was to
convince her not to bite one person, than another, than another.  The way I
did this was to wait for her to chomp, then grab her by the scruff of the
neck hold her on her back and SCREAM at her from about an inch away from her
head - and keep it up for 5-10 minutes (naturally this doesn't work on deaf
ferrets).  It took about 4-5 repetitions for this to work, although she
still occasionally nips (5 years later).  This was a technique of last
resort, and I wouldn't recommend it if you hadn't already tried everything
else.  It is very stressful for ferret and friend - Lulu actually cried once
when I did this (and I cried afterwards several times) - but if there is no
other way, then there is no other way.  I still never let anyone handle her
unless they are aware that she is a biter.
I'm sure you already know this, but I've found that with biters it is
important to never pull away from a bite - if the ferret bites and holds,
push back toward them.  Wow, do they hate that - and it helps reinforce that
you are not playing!
Gwen M. Daley
[log in to unmask]
4044 Derring Hall
Department of Geological Sciences
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061-0420
[Posted in FML issue 1901]