The Houston Area Ferret Association has issued an All Points Bulletin for
its founder, Margaret "Mo' Maggie" Merchant.  Ms. Maggie was expected at
today's April meeting, but inexplicably failed to show.  Witnesses last saw
her pleading with an airline boarding agent.  A spokesperson for the airline
stated that she missed her flight because she was late, however other
sources indicate that she may have been delayed due to her known
associations with ferrets.  Ferrets are widely regarded throughout the
airline industry to give off "waves and vibrations" which disrupt flight
instruments and give flight attendants the willies, which is why they are
banned on most flights.  It is speculated that airline personnel may have
suspected Ms. Maggie of smuggling ferrets aboard in an attempt to take over
the flight.  Airline spokesperson Ima Kidder states that no ferrets were
found but that known ferret enthusiasts are watched " in the interest of
public safety".
Anyone having knowledge of the current whereabouts of Ms. Maggie are urged
to contact their nearest ferret shelter.  Members of H.A.F.A.  are asking
that all ferret clubs nationwide join the search for Maggie and hope she
comes home soon.  "We missed you, Maggie!" ;-)
Bryan McCullough
ps.  A bunch of new folks showed up and everybody is jazzed about the Earth
Day show on April 24th and the Ferret Adoption Day on May 10th at Petco.
[Posted in FML issue 1900]