In reading today's FML, I got a wonderful idea.  Combining the Anonymous
Poster's suggestion for getting together all the duck soup recipies, and
Kymberlie's comment about putting together poetry about ferrets --- Why
don't we on the FML try to organize a project to put together a book of
ferret poetry and ferret recipies??  (recipies to FEED ferrets, not to SERVE
ferrets! <G>)  Everyone who wishes to contribute could send their
contribution e-mail, and whoever does the compiling could put it all
together into a document.  Then we could either send it to everyone on the
FML and other interested parties, OR (a better idea I think) actually get it
printed up and sell it as a fundraiser for the shelters.  As it's
"creators", we could donate our time and perhaps the printing, and then any
shelter could request copies for them to sell at fairs and shows... We could
(and probably should) intersperse the book/booklet with interesting ferret
facts, FAQs, and other ferret "stuff" ... a Ferret Compendium!  If nothing
else, it would be wonderful to have all that in a book, even if just for us.
Stephanie, you mentioned Mithryl dooking about with brushed up tail at
"nothing at all" ...  heheheh I don't think I've ever had a ferret that
DIDN'T do that!  I think they see into a different dimension... Ferretheim
or something ... Like cats and dogs seem to do.  I have a 6 yo who is usally
quite calm and laid back - then all of a sudden, for no apparent reason, he
will become 6 months old again and dook and wardance all over the place for
about 5 minutes.  Then he stops and lies down ("flat ferret" position).
Then he goes back to being 6 years old again.... it's weird, but quite
Just enjoy it!
Lynx,Drifter,Silk & Muggsy (Meow)Mitakuye Oyasin
[Posted in FML issue 1890]