Ferrets learn to like their treats because of their human caretakers.
Actually ferrets do not need assorted treats like fruits, veggies etc.  as
they are CARNIVORES.  Remember, ferrets do NOT digest plant proteins, and in
some cases too much of a good thing ( raisins) can cause severe bloating and
upset stomach.  You may see evidence of this if, you ferret "flats" and
gives you the my tummy isn't so great look, or if the stools become loose
and seedy.
What we have found works great for treats is plain (no sugar) cheerios and
occasionally breaking up an Iams puppy biscuit to offer as cookies.  Ferrets
do have to acquire a taste for these new foods, so they may likely turn
their noses up at first.  Much like it takes several months before the taste
buds of children to start working -- so it seems to be with the ferret.  In
young ferrets -- after they reach about 5 months we have found they really
warm up to ferretone better, but still many times we must dropper the first
taste or two for them to get the initial taste!  I hope this is helpful!
Alicia a shelter Mom
[Posted in FML issue 1900]