Hi, everybody.  This is my second posting.  I am reading FML everyday and
everything.  Helps me a lot to take good care of my kids.  I am not really a
writer(ESL problems), as you can probably see English is not my native
language, but I am READER for sure.
Well, last time I wrote about my three kids: Mashka, Jake, and Snowflake.
They are getting along very well after few weeks of tough fighting.
Actually, Jake and Snowflake are too little to fight back.  We bought them
from pet store four weeks ago.  They are from Path Valley breeders.  Both
were descented and neutered.  Jake was very small, he cried a lot, and seems
to me did not know how to eat.  Can someone ansver me at what age permanent
teeth appear?  His teeth just appear last week.  I just trying to find out
what age they are.
We have now problem with Mashka.  She is about seven month old and she is
from MF breeders(scarry stories you people write about MF).  She was very
happy until we brought Jake and Snowflake home.  She lost her appetite,
sometimes I have to feed her from my hands, and she has occasionally loose,
green stools(not diarrhea).  I don't think this is ACE because other two
just fine.  Our vet said that depression and stress could be possible
reasons.  She lost some weight and sleeping a lot.  Our vet gave her
antibiotics just in case(?!) She does not eat dry food, and never did.  Any
advise will be helpful for me.
Just one more question, when we were looking for her friends we saw a lot,
like 200 little 6-weeks kits in the pet store, all descented and neutered.
I understand from FML that is not very good practice to do it so early.  But
all around our area pet stores have them already fixed.  What happens to the
rest of 200, who is bying them?  Really I feel sorry for them so little in
cages on the wire floor in the basement.
My prayers with those who lost their kids.
[Posted in FML issue 1898]