Howdy folks:
Now I know what my new biggest project will be. Locating insurance policies
for ferrets.
I have been researching this on the 'net for three hours now, and a few
months back I was researching the topic.  I'm still finding nil!  So far, I
have found three (maybe 4) companies that insure pets.  None *say* that they
insure ferrets, and only one looks like they might (but with our luck, I
doubt it.) I have actually called Veterinary Pet Insurance in the past (VPI)
which is the largest insurer of pets in the country.  Great plans, but no
ferrets.  What I was told when I called was that they currently only insure
cats and dogs, but that they are considering insuring "exotics" in the
future.  GRRRRRR!  Darnit, ferrets are the third most popular companion
animal in the U.S.  and nobody can get it through their heads that ferrets
aren't exotic!!!
So, I'm on a mission.  I won't stop until these places (1) understand what a
ferret is, and (2) INSURE THEM!  One of the companies even insures cats,
dogs, and exotic birds.  HUH?
So, what I need before I go off ranting and making my case lose before I get
in the door is suggestions, statistics, anything that I can offer to these
companies to encourage them to want to insure ferrets.  I don't know what
I'm looking for here, just ideas of how to win these folks over.
I won't rest, guys.  It's just not fair (whine, whimper).  Seriously,
though, ferrets have rights too!  Feel free to post about this issue, but
if you have ideas, statistics, comments, etc., please e-mail them to me as
I am going to be feverishly working on this project.
Kymberlie Becker
Director, Pennsylvania Ferret Rescue Association
"Forget Puppy Love...There's nothing Greater than Ferret Love!" TM
[Moderator's note: For good headstart check out FMLs 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858
and 1861.  1858 even reveals a company that *does* cover ferrets.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1898]