The findings of a recent USDA inspection of Marshall Farms are soon to be
published.  However, an unnamed source at the USDA has leaked the findings
to us because of their critical impact.  Not only does Marshall Farms
produce ferrets for research, the entire institution itself is a test bed.
An inspector from the USDA noted an odd mark behind the right ear of the CEO
during a routine interview.  Closer examination found it was in fact a 666.
When pressed, the CEO admitted he is the incarnation of the devil and that
all the allegations made about MF are true.  "The tattoo we use on our
product is an open tribute to His Satanic Majesty," he stated.  Yet, this
was not the worst.  "With the impending new millennium, we needed a way to
test our methods to subjugate humanity," he chuckled.  The practice of mass
breedings and genetic manipulation to decrease immunity to disease and
lifespan are aimed at increasing the suffering of mankind when introduced to
humanity during their life on Earth, and then to speed them over the rainbow
bridge to eternal damnation.  "That's when our real fun begins," an internal
memo indicates.
Our USDA source, who only spoke to us with guaranteed confidentiality, said,
"It's my expert opinion that people who have been buying MF ferrets all
these years have been directly funding and abetting Lucifer in his efforts
to bring on the Apocalypse." "There have been men of vision and great wisdom
who tried to warn the masses, but the clouding of minds is one of the
devil's tools." "We are now examining a potential tie in with pet supplement
corporations that have covert links to MF for an attempt to induce worldwide
Vitamin A toxicity because its symptoms are so illusory as to leave no
smoking gun." "Once serious examination begins, the insidiousness of this
complex plot is amazing." "Yet, the calm exposure of this is met with
invective and emotional attack, a sure sign that people are becoming
unwitting pawns."
This brief release is just to inform the public of just what is taking
place.  Greater details and opinions from nearly a 100 uncited experts are
all included on our web site.  This unshakable mass of evidence is a clear
beacon showing the threat.  Since it is on the net, it is, of course, above
reproach, because we assure you it is.  Just point your browser at:  This is not idle banter!!
   ( )--(a)
   (@=@=) \     Till next time.......Rudy the ferlosopher
   O__)  \ \___
      \   \
      /\ * )  \   The way to hell is paved with good intentions!
[Posted in FML issue 1897]