>the version [of the STAR* Resource list] currently on-line is tuned to your
>personal preferences.  For example the AFA is only a ferret contact. We are
>not listed as both a breeder and a shelter.  Its your list. Do with it what
>you will.  But it is yours.
AFA never responds to my annual list update, which clearly states that if
you want to have your info correct on STAR*'s list, then you need to take
time and a stamp and respond.  The statistical section is optional.  The
only reason I DON'T remove them is that I know they are still out there -
but if AFA won't respond to my annual request to keep their entry updated,
won't respond whether they will publish my Ferret Owners Survey, then what
makes me think that they will respond to phone calls and info requests from
others if they can't take time out for a simple database update?
Zen, for the first time, decided NOT to fill out and return their survey /
listing update.  That is why the Killian's are listed in the contact
section.  I've explained the "ferret contact" process before.
The AFA listing in their newsletter is out of date.  For example, Karen Y is
an AFA judge.  She has not lived in Horicon, WI for almost a year.  Yet she
has been to the most recent AFA show, judging.  Does she have to remind AFA
that she has moved and to have her listing revised?  She sent STAR*
notification and she is correct in that listing.  I review AFA's listing
each time I get a newsletter (the last one I received what Dec 1996 BTW) to
check if there have been any changes I didn't know about.  I then CALL
(since addresses are not provided and I can not write) to confirm changes,
if any.  Many times the STAR* listing is more reliable, even if people are
only listed as contacts.
The only people removed from STAR*'s list are those who I receive multiple
complaints about.  I can't possible know all 1100+ entries personally, so I
must rely on others to help me "police" the list for the sake of ferrets.
Yes, it is my list.  I work hard with it.  I send it out for free to anyone
who asks and put it on-line with quarterly updates.  And I like it just the
way it is.  Thank you.  I receive very few complaints about it.
Pamela Troutman Grant / Shelters That Adopt & Rescue Ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 1896]