So, upon returning from vacation (brief drive to DC and back), I called the
ferret-sitter and asked how everyone was doing (the second thing out of my
mouth after 'hello!').
"They're all being little brats today," he said in an annoyed tone of voice.
Hee hee hee.  I love hearing that.  It means everyone's in a good mood.
Meanwhile, Potpie was at my SO's; I called there and got a roommate, who
complained that my evil ferret wanted to eat his shoes, and he was glad I
was taking her back.  :) Classic!  I can always count on Potpie.
Anyway, while i was in DC i went to the National Zoo.  While I have some
quibbles with zoos, i really enjoyed watching the chinese small-clawed
otters - which, if you haven't seen them, are approximately the same size as
a large housecat.  DC's zoo has about 5 or 6 of them that I saw, and they're
soooo ferret-like.  I was looking around their play area, noticing their
toys: a big floating tree stump, a hollowed-out tree trunk with tons of
entrances and exits... similar things to what we give our ferrets all the
time.  One otter speed-bumped on the trunk while I was watching and I nearly
perished from the cuteness of it all.
 ___ Melissa Litwicki __ [log in to unmask] ___
 By the whole newsgroup devoted tennis showing
     it after scarfing fork and laughters
[Posted in FML issue 1896]