>From:    Bailey L Goodman <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: MF & Corporate behavior...
Thank you.  We need more to see clearly that it is not in our best interests
to get hysterical over possibly (probably?) false rumors about the evils of
any particular business (or person) in ferrets.  MF is not the only victim.
United Vaccines gets their share.  Individual people get attacked this way
as well.
>From:    "Monkey, Kona, Two, and Mitz Schlossberg" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Bailey and ferret life spans and MF
>I agree that those who defend them thoroughly are misguided.
Okay.  Why are they misguided?  Do you have some source of information that
we do not?  But then who defends them really?
We have yet to find reliable information about the evils of Marshall Farms
beyond the rushing of kits to market forcing too early the altering
surgeries and forced weaning.  This is not defending them.  This is looking
at the facts and the sources of rumors.
We are the most vocal proponent of rationally looking at the MF issues.  We
do not defend their practices of early spay and neuter nor sales through pet
Though one does have to realize that the early altering is largely
responsible for ferrets not being in the massive state of over population
that dogs and cats are in.  Regional over populations at some times, sure
but not a national problem like with the more popular pets.  Marshall Farms
through Dr. Wendy Winsted's work became the basis for ferrets as pets in
this country - this is a kind of unavoidable fact picked up in researching
the history of ferrets in this century.  The early spay/neuter though is one
of those two edged sword dilemas.  You sort of have to pick which edge cuts
you the least - over-population or reduced growth and potential health
issues.  Darn but that is tough.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 1895]