>From:    adp <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: De scenting
>Ok, ferret experts... The only reason I can think of to descent my future
>ferrets is to prevent them from "poofing" when they are scared or hurt.
>Since I don't intend to hurt or scare them (but could see it happening at
>the vet) I don't see the need to have one more unnessesary surgery for my
Well you said what we would have said to you.  We don't recommend
descenting.  You probably couldn't tell which of our ferrets are and which
are not descented.
>Do ferrets get impacted anal glands?
Yes.  Surgery is sometimes medically indicated but no "need" to do it
before.  Well there have been really odd ferrets that poof more than others
and have a pscychological need for descenting.  None I know personally but
have heard of a few.
>From:    artemis <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Upset with FML
No you have discovered the hard way that some on this list do not know as
much as they think they do.  Those who refuse others the chance to learn are
doing no-one any good.  Horror of horrors we had our third ferret descented
many years ago before we learned more.  Nearly all ferrets even those kept
as breeders were descented less than twenty years ago.  Practically none of
the radicals were ferret owners then and know little of the history of
ferrets as pets.
>From:    MROCHAC <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Problems with new fuzzy
See our reply on Ferret Forum...
>From:    Sergio Russek <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Ferrets and Pregnant Women
>is it safe to have ferrets around pregnant women ?
Yup.  Well the non-pregnant folk should clean the litter boxes for those
nine months though.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 1894]