If any of you are considering getting your ferrets descented I just have
this to say - the operation is not necessary, neutering is answer to cutting
down the strong smell of hobs.
I don't recall having heard of British ferrets suffering from impacted anal
glands - at least none of my 'gang' have that problem and I've got 36.
I must admit I do get a bit tired of telling new ferret owners in the UK
that they don't have to have their ferrets descented, to wait until their
ferrets are at least 6 months old before neutering etc.  I then get but I
read it in this book I bought from a garden centre, big pet store etc.  I
know immediately who the publisher of the book will be - nice photographs,
some good advice once you know what to discard.
Sheila Crompton
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Bolton Ferret Welfare & Newsletter Editor of the
National Ferret Welfare Society of the UK
The opinions expressed by me are not necessarily those of the NFWS
[Posted in FML issue 1894]