Subject says it all. The story:
After taking Friday off the preds she'd been on, she got worse within two or
three days - started walking funny, and got weird fatty bulges under her
front legs and on each side of her neck.  Took her in to the vet on
Thursday, and it turns out it is some type of lymphoma.  We decided not to
biopsy, as treatment is the same regardless.  We're also not going to
vaccinate, as, along with a biopsy, it would stress her system and she
mostly needs to keep her health as up as possible.  As my vet said, "These
guys live for the moment," and why not make every moment as good as it can
be by avoiding unnecessary icky things.
I'm going to do some interesting things and try a more natural diet and some
homeopathic remedies, so if anyone wants to help out or follow along, you're
gladly welcome to.  There's a holistic practitioner in this area who seems a
bit kooky but nice, and she has a wealth of knowledge in the herbal remedies
area, so we'll try to work out dosages and remedies.  Based on many reports,
I'm willing to bet a natural diet (we'll go into what that entails in a
later message) will be the biggest benefactor.
It's hard to describe my mood at this point, so I won't try.
Sukie & Steve:
You provided a wonderful home for Meltdown and most importantly she never
lacked in the least for want of a loving and supportive home.  All ferrets
are as special as they come, but you, Steve, and Meltdown have ensured that
everyone on this list holds a special place in their hearts for that spunky
ferret.  I thank you for the many gifts you and your family have gladly
given everyone by sharing your stories with us.
Love and Peace,
 ___ Melissa Litwicki __ [log in to unmask] ___
 By the whole newsgroup devoted tennis showing
     it after scarfing fork and laughters
[Posted in FML issue 1893]