Is there anyone out there?  I hope so 'cause I need your help.  After saying
good bye to Rita about 2 months ago, I just had to get another fuzzy.
Matilda was getting lonely.  I called a shelter.  A week later they called
me to tell me they had one in and to go and take a look.  I automatically
fell in love.  I actually wanted a girl friend for Matilda, but this guy was
tooooo cute.  His name was Spot.  He was playing all over the place and
seemed very healthy.  I took him home and renamed him TOBI.  Since Matilda
and Rita used to share the cage I put them both together.  Matilda is afraid
of him.  She cries everytime Tobi comes close to her.
Well, this is the problem.  I started to see little dark runny poops.  I
confirmed it was Tobi and not Matilda cause I actually sat and waited and
caught them both in the act.  I immediately separated them and put them in
different cages.  But that is not the end.  I refill Matilda's food every
morning and started to notice that Tobi was NOT eating much and when ever he
pooped it was green and slimy.  I tried to give him treats but didn't care
for Bananas, Ferretvite or 8in1 treats.  He does love raisings.  So three
days ago, I started him on Duck Soup.  He likes it, but will only eat it if
I feed him.  He will not eat by himself.  I have noticed though, that his
wiskers are "brittle".  They are all long, but all "bent".  His level of
activity whenever I take him out of his cage is more than O.K.  He runs,
goes thru tunnels and chases Matilda all fine.  But then we goes to his cage
and just lies there.
Can anyone tell me how often I should be feeding him and how much at a time?
Right now he will eat two cubes before I go to work in the a.m., One cube
around 1:00p.m (I go all the way home from D.C.  to Virginia to feed him
lunch), and two cubes at around 7 p.m.  Is this too much, enough, or o.k?
I would like to know if anyone recognizes these symptoms.  After having lost
Rita I am a bit worried, traumatized and dont want to go thru the pain again.
Thanks for your help!
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[Posted in FML issue 1893]