>I've decided to be brave and take my little girls with me when I go to my
>mom's, friend's, etc.  But I am having problems with the "potty" portion of
>this venture.  When I line the bottom of the carry cage with newspapers,
>they dig and "munch" at the paper, and the poopie ends up everywhere!
Karyn and the mischievous twosome
I had the same problem with Loki and her pet taxi.  I tried putting her
normal litter pan in it, but it took up over half the taxi.
so what I did was use either a small cardboard box or a tupperware container
that I can cut down to be about 3 or so inches high all the way around (Loki
won't use a litter box that doesn't have a high front, she likes to put her
front feet on the lip when using the toity).  If I use a cardboard one, I
put a plastic grocery bag down as a liner in it and secure it so the box
won't get wet and fall apart.
To secure the litter box I use good old fashioned duct tape.  I make sure
that no bits of sticky tape are exposed so Loki won't pull her hair out.  I
tape the toity in the corner and once Loki figured out that it was NOT
moving, she left it alone.
And believe me the litter box stays put.  I had the pet taxi in my car (Loki
was at home, not in the taxi thankfully) when I was in a really big car
wreck.  That toity did not move an inch even though the pet taxi was thrown
Hope this helps.  Loki loves to go visit my grandparents and I took her to a
family reunion last year and she was the biggest hit!
chris and Loki "Hey mom, lets go for a ride!"
[Posted in FML issue 1893]