Ferret friends and peoples,
It is my sad task to inform you all that Flying Ferret Airlines has departed
for his last flight.  Nakkevve Cameron, my 2y.o. albino brother, crossed
the Bridge on April 3rd at aprox.  8:30pm pacific time.  He is survived by
me, Mom (whom people call Chryss) and Fydo the Cat.  He had been doing
poorly for the past several weeks.  The vet-doctor thinks he had
gastro-intestinal inflamation.  They couldn't see any blockages with the
machines.  I know he was not very interested in playing or even in eating
for a few weeks now, and Mom had to give him medicine with a syringe.  She
said it was Flyagle and Prednisone.  The past week he stopped eating
entirely and Mom gave him Ensure with the syringe, too.  I have not seen him
much in the past couple of days because Mom took Nakkevve to work with her.
Last night when they came home, my brother could not walk.  He had been
bleeding inside and the vet-doctor thinks he had a system wide infection
then.  I know Mom wanted him to get better, but I think he was too tired to
fight any more.  Our other house human has Crone's disease and brother
looked a lot like him.  Mom held him on her shoulder and rocked him.  She
sang too.  When she took him off her shoulder to give him more water he was
gone already.  At least I got to say good bye.
Mom said we will make him a real dirt tunnel up in the ground near our
friend's cat.  This should make Nakkevve smile since he always likes to
chase cats.  I hope he will be OK in the Outside.  He didn't like it too
much, said the grass was cold.  I don't know who I'll play steal the bathtub
stopper with now, though.  And we have no one to beatup the bathtub now.  I
will miss him very, very much.  He was a great dancer and good to sleep
with, and a passable cracker thief.  I know Sepia will show him the ropes up
by the bridge, though.  I don't like saying goodbye to my cage mates :-( but
at least his tummy won't hurt him anymore.
I am going to give Mom more kisses now because she is still crying.  I just
wanted you all to know about Nakkevve, The Great White Carpet Shark, so we
can give him dooks and dances for his travels.  Good-bye little brother.
A very sad ferret with a very sad Mom,
Khia Cameron
[Posted in FML issue 1893]