I'm looking for some advice:
I have the opportunity to get a marshall farms retired breeder ferret.  I
can pick either male or female.  They are intact now, but will be nuetered
Saturday.  I think these guys are about 3 yrs or so.  I have 7(3m, 4f) early
neuters at home.  They all get along reasonably well.
So my question is, will it be any different trying to introduce a newly
nuetered animal as opposed to an early neuter?  Are they more territorial?
Less likely to integrate?  Is this a bad idea?  Should I not even try?
Chances are everyone will find a home whether I take one or not, so if
success seems unlikely I would just as soon let someone else experience the
joy that is ferret.  Of course, I really wouldn't mind another one...
Any advice would be appreciated
[Posted in FML issue 1892]