After hearing that the Sierra Club and the Audubon Society was against
AB363, I became quite enraged.  I have been a Sierra Club and Audubon member
in the past and have supported their work.  Thanks to a previous FML post, I
was able to find out why they were against AB363 since my emails to them led
me nowhere.
On Monday I spoke to William Craven, Sierra Club, about his comment" I asked
if he had any information which disproved this comment and he could not
recollect ever seeing any.  I asked him that if I could forward him a
briefing I had a copy of which has an entire section on the only feral
ferret community in the world and the lack of any others and the unlikely
potential that one could happen.  I also forwarded this briefing to the
president of the Sierra Club, the president of the Audubon Society, and the
state director of the Audubon Society.  The letters went off yesterday and
should arrive by Thursday or Friday.
If possible, I would like those people who are interested in helping to call
or write to the recipients and ask what they thought of the briefing.  I
figure that if they get enough questions about it that they will have to
read it and think about it.  Hopefully this will help undo some of the
damage the DF&G have caused.
CA ferret lover
[Posted in FML issue 1918]