In response to Jeanne Carley's appeal for support from out-of-state groups,
LIFE today has sent the following letter to Adam Werbach, President of
Sierra Club:
"Dear Mr. Werbach:
"The League of Independent Ferret Enthusiasts, a national association of
ferret clubs and shelters, is dismayed to learn of the position taken by
Sierra Club California's William Craven on AB 363, the bill to legalize
private ownership of domestic ferrets in the state.
"According to Mr. Craven, Sierra opposes the bill because of "the risk that
a feral population of a non-native species could become established in this
state or that this species will predate upon other species in the state." It
is difficult to see why Sierra would take such a position in the absence of
factual evidence that a real threat exists.  There has never been a
confirmed instance of any feral population of ferrets in this country,
despite the fact they are legal in 48 states and number an estimated 5
million in the U.S.
"Ferrets in fact pose no threat to the environment: pet ferrets that escape
owners' homes typically perish in less than a week from exposure,
starvation, or predator attack.  They simply no longer have the hunter and
predator- avoidance instincts needed to survive on their own.
"Moreover, the bill IS environmentally sound.  AB 363 provides that only
altered animals may be sold at retail outlets.  Surely Mr. Craven
understands that a self-sustaining feral population requires breeder
animals, and altered ferrets could not breed even if they were to survive!
"Sierra's opposition to this sensible bill does nothing for the environment
and discredits the organization's pronouncements on other issues.  It also
needlessly antagonizes millions of ferret-owning Americans whom we and other
ferret enthusiast groups must strongly encourage to remove Sierra from the
list of causes worthy of their support.  We urge you to reconsider."
A similar letter has also been sent to Audubon. We strongly support CFL's
appeal on this, and urge ALL ferret owners to take 5 minutes out &
do something concrete to support legalization.
The place to write to Sierra is:
Adam Werbach, President
Sierra Club
85 2nd St.
San Francisco, CA  94105
For Audubon it's:
John Flicker, President
National Audubon Society
700 Broadway
New York, NY 10003
Let's let these organizations know that we ferret owners will be voting with
our pocket books.
Howard Davis
Humane Affairs Coordinator
League of Independent Ferret Enthusiasts
[Posted in FML issue 1917]