Hi guys!
I've just heard about two fuzzies from Utah who need new homes.  The girl
(Sarah) who owns them is shifting, and the apartment where she is moving to
will *not* allow her to keep her two little sprites.  Her sister wanted the
little fuzzies, but isn't able to due to her SO's violent allergies :o(
The message her sister has sent was to a chat line about ferrets, and is as
>I was very interested to find this topic because my sister has two ferrets.
>They are both females and their names are Shea (she is almost two) and Noel
>(she is six months - I think) Shea recently had some health problems she
>became very lethargic and her hair started falling out and her "parts"
>bacame swollen.  Naturally my sister, Sarah, became very concerned and too
>her to the vet.  Shea had a bladder infection and was malnourished because
>the new baby is son demanding and dominant she wasn't getting to eat
>properly.  The vets cure for this problem was to separate them at night and
>feed them separately along with giving Shea a small amount of liver every
>night and Noel a portion once a week.  The vet advised Sarah that this was
>a good idea because even some ferret foods don't have a high enough protien
>and iron content for ferrets to be properly cared for.  Sarah has
>encountered one more problem she lives in a small town in Utah and has had
>to move apartments and may have to get rid of her ferrets and she can't
>handle the thought of have them euthenized.  Does anyone know of someone
>looking for well loved ferrets in the southern Nevada or southern Utah area
>that may want to adopt these little darlings, though it breaks my heart to
>have to ask that question and puts me in near tears.  If you do or have any
>suggestions or comments feel free to write to me at the listed email
>address or I'll try to figure out how I found my way to this location
>again.  Thanx!  Dena
To any that can reply, they can e-mail the girls sister (Dena) at
[log in to unmask]
As you may be able to tell, Dena is heartbroken at the thought of the
fuzzies leaving, and Sarah (owner) feels the same.
Any responses sent to me ([log in to unmask]) I will pass along for them.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions, and your help
[Posted in FML issue 1917]