Hi folks!
Well, the Old Fert be done fellen down and hurted hisself purty good today.
Boy, he sure can act pitiful when he takes a mind to it!
Anyways' while he was carryin' on like a big ol' baby, we jumped in and did
some stuff to that there web page that he's so proud of.  We be done blowed
away some of them sausage links that don't work no more and putted in some
of our own.  Well, we'll have to admit that he was plannin' on doin' the
same thing one of these here days.  He just never gotted enough Round Tuits
to quit actin' the fool and take care of important stuff.
So, stop by our page at http://members.aol.com/emssandy/index.htm.  Skip
past the silly stuff at the beginning and go to where there used to be a
bunch of lynx-type thingys.  We putted some new ones in there while the Old
Fert weren't lookin'.  You can visit a radio guy what makes a whole lots of
sense, listen to some neat stuff, visit Carol's Country Store - even read
one of Paw Paw's science fiction stories, if'n youv'e a mind to.
Whoops!  We gotta go.  Paw Paw just started clompin' down the hall on his
way to that little room away from the rest of the rooms.  It just wouldn't
do for him to catch us typin' on his and Mee Maw's new pooter.  He might
tell Mee Maw on us!
Joys and loves,
Tater and Odie
[Posted in FML issue 1915]